September 1, 2021October 19, 202030 minutes of exercise family meditation motivation receipes teamwork WFHAre you remembering to practice self care while WFH? WFH working from home Follow me to get the couching you need to achieve your wellness goals
August 27, 2020August 27, 202030 minutes of exercise Apps teamwork Uncategorized welcome workoutsChanges coming to SXS, more fitness plans, videos and product reviews. Follow me to get the couching you need to achieve your wellness goals
January 19, 2020January 18, 202030 minutes of exercise cross fit norwalk marathonMotivation is different for everyone Hey squad, As I am moving forward with building a new platform for Phyllis4fitness, I am crazily perplexed by motivation. What motivates you to start and to stick to an … Follow me to get the couching you need to achieve your wellness goals
September 1, 2021January 18, 202030 minutes of exercise cross trainingRow House coach There has been an update in my fitness journey . I am a Row House coach in Westport CT. My day job in advertising is super supportive of a work … Follow me to get the couching you need to achieve your wellness goals
September 1, 2021February 11, 2017#strandgirlsrunnyc 30 minutes of exercise milehilerunclub Updates whole 30MileHigh Run club is awesome! Hey Squad, If you live in the NY area and love to run, you have to check out the MileHigh Run club. The first class is free so you can … Follow me to get the couching you need to achieve your wellness goals