Phyllis Strand NASM CPT, Wellness Coach

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I was thinking this morning about the first presidential election that I was eligible to vote in. I had to look it up because I did not remember it! I think that this election will be alot different for any first time voter.

The pandemic has changed everything. It has always been important to vote and have a say in your local representatives but looking back on the several times I have voted, i never felt this much of a focus on the election.

So on Tuesday this will be my strategy.

No Doomscrolling. 

Doomscrolling is endlessly reading bad news story after bad news story, and understandably can leave you feeling… bad.

I will set aside a block of time to look at the news once or twice a day and go directly to a source I can trust. It can be tempting to see other perspectives on the same story, but that can lead to more anxiety.


This is my go to for most everything anyway so why not?

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