
10 mile run Interupted

10 mile run Interupted
31 Aug

I usually run on Saturday, but Chuck and I took advantage of his only Saturday off from school this summer to go to a Farmers Market and take in a summer matinee movie.
So this morning, I go up early and hit the road all set for 10 miles.
It’s cloudy today and very humid so after one mile I was already drenched, but I was ok and glad that sun was staying behind those clouds.
As I ran between mile 3 and 4 I heard a car honk its horn. I was on the sidewalk so I know it wasn’t at me, but it startled me just the same. I momentarily lost my footing and BAM, rolled my right ankle.
These things happen, so I just kept going, the closer I got to the beach area, the more runners I saw so that helped me get my mind off the constant pain in my foot. I stopped at mile 4.5 and tried the Honey Stinger Gel with caffeine. These gels are much smoother than the GUs. I can’t report on the boost because at mile 5 I was calling Chuck for a pickup.
It was clear that although I could continue to run, I probably shouldn’t because it hurt almost each time my foot hit the pavement.
This is just a blip, RICE ( rest, ice, compression, elevate) and if that doesn’t kick it, I know a great PT routine.
