
Burning Calories not Cookies!

Burning Calories not Cookies!
03 Dec

 Did you know you burn over 3 calories for every minute you spend working in the kitchen, and you can blast away even more by picking up the pace?

Here are some ideas of how to sneak in a few extra while you bake.

Make the Kitchen Your Gym

While you’re waiting for water to boil, do a quick set of jumping jacks and deep knee bends. Don’t worry, no one will see you. They’ll just wonder why you’re looking more toned recently. You can even do modified push-ups by placing your hands on the edge of the kitchen counter and moving your upper body up and down.

If you’re waiting for something to boil or set, turn up the music and dance while you wait. Dancing is one of the easiest and most individual forms of exercise and it can help burn off those stubborn pounds while you bake

Calorie-Burning Clean-up

The clean-up after a meal gives you another chance to burn more calories. Pick up the pace as you put things back in the refrigerator and clear off the counters. Skip the dishwasher, and scrub the dishes by hand. Dishwashing burns 160 calories per hour.

Cheerfully yours,

Coach Phyllis