Phyllis Strand NASM CPT, Wellness Coach

#strandgirlsrunnyc TCSNYCmarathon

Social Media and #runners

Hey Squad,

Here is a tip, if on Race Day

If a person asks if they can ask you a few questions and take your picture. – Say yes.

This was great and I have gotten so much positive feedback from the comments.  I even received an email from a wonderful lady asking where I got my running skirt.  I was able to find them online and sent her the link.  They were on sale!  I ordered an extra pair for me too.


Also, I am really enjoying Periscope. Everyday I get to check in with the amazing Amanda from Runtothefinish #runnerscope . She was the first fitness blogger I connected with over 3 years ago and her blog posts and encouragement has made her invaluable to me. She does a daily chat #runnerscope and it’s awesome. I get the notification that she is live and I pop into a conference room to participate. Check her out for amazing words of wisdom.
Cheerfully yours,


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