Phyllis Strand NASM CPT, Wellness Coach

30 minutes of exercise whole 30

Resolution by Zodiac sign

Hey squad,

How do you feel about horoscopes?

I really feel like horoscopes are usually vague and hit or miss but this one is right on for me.


What resolution to make
As Saturn moves through your 3rd house this year, your most challenging resolution is about communication and learning something new. With Jupiter in your 1st house, your easiest resolution is about expanding and refining your brand—how people see you, how you want to be seen, your personality.

How to accomplish it
Get going right away in January, since Libra is a cardinal sign, and cardinal energy is all about initiative. While new projects are a thrill, you can lose momentum when it comes to long-term goals, so break your resolutions down into three-month plans. As a social air sign, Libras should have accountability buddies to help them stay on course.

Any other Libras out there ? I love that we are social air signs.

Speaking of being social, I have a brand new facebook page and it needs some love.  Pop over and give it a like.  I will be posting more industry news on this page so you just might learn something.

Cheerfully yours,



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