April 30, 2023April 29, 2023meditation motivation self helpQuick Mindfulness Exercise to Try reflection on your day thru a mindfulness practice exercise Follow me to get the couching you need to achieve your wellness goals
September 1, 2021October 23, 2020family meditation motivation self help WFHJust a thought that made me smile today Follow me to get the couching you need to achieve your wellness goals
September 1, 2021October 19, 202030 minutes of exercise family meditation motivation receipes teamwork WFHAre you remembering to practice self care while WFH? WFH working from home Follow me to get the couching you need to achieve your wellness goals
January 15, 2017January 15, 2017cross training meditation UpdatesGood vibes workout Hey Squad, This week I wanted to post a different kind of work out for you. This week will be a week of change and for some people change brings … Follow me to get the couching you need to achieve your wellness goals
September 20, 2016September 20, 2016apple watch meditationthought for the day As I commuted thru backpack searches and bomb sniffing dogs today I thought of this quote. I am going to try to keep this in mind as I move thru my … Follow me to get the couching you need to achieve your wellness goals