Hey Squad,
2017 is underway and so far its off to a great start here at phyllis4fitness.
Today, I launched phyllis4fitness on Facebook.
I was at the point of giving up Facebook all together since there has been so much negative postings showing up on my feed.
I decided to be that beacon of happy, positive thoughts and education to enable my whole squad to be their best selves.
There will be alot more information and lots of laughs on that page for sure.
Here is a ease into the new year workout for you to keep the engines running and warm you up this week.
Monday, Wed, Friday.
20 jumping jacks
20 squats
20 secs marching in place ( extra credit if this reminds you of band camp*)
20 ab crunches
30 sec. plank.
Do these 2-3 times through.
Thursday, Saturday
30 minutes.
* As a drill team member , I went to band camp once. I learned that you should take 8 steps across a parking spots. I always think of that when marching!
I will post one a week or so. Half marathon training starts Feb.1 so lets do this!
Cheerfully yours,