Phyllis Strand NASM CPT, Wellness Coach


Week Two


Excited for a new set of exercises?  I love to change things up, but if you are happy with what you are doing to get to your goal, Keep going with that!  I have to expand my time on the days I work from home this week. I learned that last week trying to work in more than a lunchtime walk on the day I commute is doable. In case you are new here, I work at 3 World Trade Center in New York city. I take the Metro North train from South Norwalk to Grand Central. The ride is 70 minutes ( if its on time ) and then I take the subway from Grand Central to the World Trade Center ( its a 15 minute ride). I miss the days when I worked in Madison Square Park and I could walk the 20 blocks.

Here’s a fresh weekly exercise plan that includes a mix of strength, cardio, flexibility, and active recovery, with some new exercises to keep things engaging:

Weekly 150-Minute Exercise Plan

Day 1: Lower Body Strength (45 minutes)

  • Warm-up (5 minutes): Jumping jacks and bodyweight squats.
  • Circuit (3 rounds, 12 reps each):
    • Goblet Squats: Hold a dumbbell close to your chest.
    • Romanian Deadlifts: Focus on hinging at the hips.
    • Lateral Lunges: Step out to the side, lowering your body.
    • Glute Bridges: Squeeze at the top for a few seconds.
    • Wall Sit (30 seconds): Hold with knees at a 90-degree angle.
  • Cool-down (5 minutes): Hamstring and quad stretches.

Day 2 – Lunchtime Walk (15 minutes)

  • Walk Duration: Aim for a brisk 15-minute walk.
  • Pace: Keep a moderate pace where you can still hold a conversation but feel slightly out of breath.
  • Mindfulness: Use this time to relax and enjoy your surroundings.
  • Stretching: After the walk, spend 5 minutes stretching your legs, especially your calves, hamstrings, and hip flexors..

Day 3: Upper Body Strength & Core (30 minutes)

  • Warm-up (5 minutes): Arm circles and shoulder stretches.
  • Circuit (3 rounds, 10 reps each):
    • Push-ups: Modify with knees down if needed.
    • Bent-Over Rows: Use dumbbells or resistance bands.
    • Overhead Shoulder Press: Stand or sit with dumbbells.
    • Bicycle Crunches: Focus on controlled movement.
    • Russian Twists (with or without weights): Twist side to side, engaging the core.
  • Cool-down (5 minutes): Stretching, focusing on the upper body.

Day 4: Yoga & Flexibility (30 minutes)

  • Yoga Flow (25 minutes):
    • Cat-Cow Stretch: Warm up the spine.
    • Downward Dog to Plank Flow: Alternate between the two.
    • Standing Forward Bend: Release tension in the back and legs.
    • Triangle Pose: Stretch the sides and strengthen the legs.
    • Child’s Pose: Relax and stretch the back and shoulders.
  • Cool-down (5 minutes): Deep breathing and Savasana.

Day 5: Active Recovery & Mobility (20 minutes)

  • Dynamic Stretching (5 minutes): Leg swings, arm swings, and torso twists.
  • Mobility Work (10 minutes):
    • Hip Circles: Loosen up the hips.
    • Ankle Rolls: Improve ankle mobility.
    • Foam Rolling: Watch out for a video on this
  • Cool-down (5 minutes): Gentle stretching and deep breathing.
  • .

Total Weekly Minutes: 140 minutes, I know its not quite the goal, but you can do what you can!

Tips for Success: Keep this light and fun!

This plan is designed to provide a balanced approach to fitness, targeting all major muscle groups, cardio, and flexibility. If you need modifications or want to focus on specific goals, feel free to ask!

Cheerfully yours,

Coach Phyllis

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