Phyllis Strand NASM CPT, Wellness Coach

#strandgirlsrunnyc TCSNYCmarathon

Getting it done #strandgirlsrunnyc

Hey Squad,

Wonders never cease, I completed all three runs for a total of 26.8 miles. I look back on it and I am still in disbelief.

On the last post, I had it all planned out, where and when I would run. Well nothing went according to that plan. On Friday it was raining so I didn’t run in NYC on the west side highway. I ran in the evening in Fairfield. Six miles after a rest day felt great. On Saturday, I was to run the 15 miles. I had planned to go to Southport, but did the exact opposite and ran to and from Bridgeport. 13 miles went well, then the heat got to me. I was out of everything liquid so I walked the last two miles.  Today, I was going to another town to run and then have brunch, but on Friday I read my favorite brunch place was sold !

So today,I expected aches and pains, but nope five miles went swimmingly.  I won’t lie, I did have a toe causality. It’s a blister that’s pretty epic. I found these padded self adhesive gauze pads that are heaven. I could run today with very little discomfort.  I also have the worst sunglass tan lines !

My virtual trainer gave me a high five and a time lapsed video of the marathon. It’s very cool.

Next week I have to get a handle on this sleep thing, I feel a little punchy!










Cheerfully yours,


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